Impact of Military Service System Reform: How Long Should Young People Serve? How Should the Military Prepare for War?
Moderator: Huang Wei-han, Sound of Taipei HitFM, Taipei Pop Radio POP Radio “Weihan hits the news” program host
l Wang Meng-gang, retired Major General of the Army, former commander of the Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Army
l Yu Chung-chi, Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, National Taiwan University; former Dean of the Political Warfare College of the National Defense University
l Chie Chung, researcher, Chinese Strategic Foresight Association, associate researcher of the National Policy Research Foundation
l Ting Po-yi, student of the Department of Economics and the Department of Quantitative Finance and Finance, National Tsing Hua University.
Taiwan has undergone several changes in the duration of military service for conscripts since 2004. It was originally two years of compulsory military service, which was then shortened to one year. Later, with the “recruitment parallel” system, conscripts were changed to the current four-month military training service. However, due to the rapid deterioration of cross-strait relations in recent years, the government has reportedly intended to change the four-month military training service to one or two years of compulsory military service.
Extending military service involves important issues such as national strategic direction, transformation of the military service system, training capacity of the military, and life planning of young people. The Fair Winds Foundation is pleased to invite Yu Chung-chi, former Dean of the Political Warfare College of the National Defense University; Wang Meng-gang, retired Army Major General; Chieh Chung, associate researcher of the National Policy Research Foundation; and Ting Po-yi, National Tsinghua University student; to discuss this issue from different perspectives. The moderator is renowned radio host Huang Wei-han. This event will allow the government to hear the voices of the people.
Registration: https://forms.gle/GLgF1fzoitknDpsj7
Time: Saturday, November 19, 2022 2:30 PM—4:30 PM
Venue: Socrates Hall, GIS NTU Convention Center (B1, No. 85, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106)
Main Organizer: Fair Winds Foundation
Co-organizers: China Times, The Storm Media
Contact: (02) 2752-1700
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